This site is co-financed by the Social European Fund by the Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2007 - 2013

Special Educational Needs for All

The project Special Educational Needs for All - CESPeT is carried out - from August 2010 until July 2013 - by "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University from Iasi in partnership with VIA University College Denmark, Botosani County School Inspectorate, Braila County School Inspectorate, Iasi County School Inspectorate, Maramures County School Inspectorate, Mures County School Inspectorate and Vaslui County School Inspectorate.


Project description

The CESPeT project's total value is of 20056708 RON. The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007 - 2013, the financial assistance grant amounting to 18618602 RON.

The project implementation period is of 36 months, from the 1st of August 2010 until the 31st of July 2013.

The title of the project Special Educational Needs for All - CESPeT has a double meaning:

  1. Narrowly speaking, the project follows the imperative of meeting the special education requirements of all those who need education, regardless of age, gender, background (since there are no special schools in each county for each category of persons with SEN covered by our project, the rule being that a special school for a specific category is attended by students coming in from several counties, CESPeT designs its strategy at the level of the regions where its partners come from);
  2. Broadly speaking, the aim of the project is that every person's disability-specific languages should be learned by as many community members as possible, which will foster social interactions at any level.

The project's target group includes:

The CESPeT project falls in line with the Priority Axis 2 "Linking life long learning and labour market", Key Area of Intervention 2.2 "Preventing and correcting early school leaving", and facilitates the achievement of their objectives in multiple ways:

The project contributes to the achievement of the priorities of the National Development Plan- NDP 2007-2013, of the National Strategic Reference Framework- NSRF 2007-2013 on human capital and social inclusion (by implementing concrete measures designed to keep young people enrolled in the education system and to foster the acquisition of labour market-relevant skills), as well as the priorities of the National Strategy 2006-2013 for the social protection, integration and social inclusion of persons with disabilities.
The project also contributes to the achievement of the HRD SOP operations guidelines: the development of programs meant to keep students with SEN enrolled in the education system and to prevent school dropout; the development of integrated programs designed to increase the access and participation to pre-university education, including the provision of financial support to this effect; the implementation of programs of the following types: second chance, after school, parents' school, specialized student camps, remedial education and assisted learning; the educational reintegration of those who have left school early; the provision of guidance and counselling integrated services to people at risk of dropout and to their families.

The CESPeT project aims at supporting students with SEN in order to achieve an individual level of optimal development enabling social interaction, by acquiring the necessary experiences in school, in the family and social environment, by developing skills necessary for learning, by acquiring knowledge and skills useful for the social and professional integration and for the community cultural life and by providing the opportunities and conditions for lifelong learning at different educational levels.



Final disemination conference


Peter Wellendorf visits Iaşi


The dates of the disemination conferences in the partner counties have been established


Study visit in Denmark


Final disemination conference


« March 2009 »

For more details regarding the other programmes co-financed by the European Union, we invite you to visit

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