The project Special Educational Needs for All - CESPeT is carried out - from August 2010 until July 2013 - by "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University from Iasi in partnership with VIA University College Denmark, Botosani County School Inspectorate, Braila County School Inspectorate, Iasi County School Inspectorate, Maramures County School Inspectorate, Mures County School Inspectorate and Vaslui County School Inspectorate.
CESPeT_A0 - Project Management CESPeT_A1 - The development of the campaign Special Needs for All for increasing the awareness of the community regarding the prevention, reducing and correcting the phenomenon of early school leaving of the children with disabilities CESPeT_A2 - Setting up the Training and Research Center for people involved in educating children with special educational needs CESPeT_A3 - Research planned to identify the school abandonment causes and the reintegration needs and possibilities concerning children with special educational needs CESPeT_A4 - Elaborating intervention/prevention strategies regarding the school abandonment of the children with special educational needs CESPeT_A5 - Developing a comparative study for analyzing the scholar/social reintegration possibilities for children with special educational needs RO - Denmark CESPeT_A6 - Developing the school - community - parents partnership for preventing and reducing the rate of abandonment among children with special educational needs at all school levels CESPeT_A7 - Developing the professional capacity of the personnel involved in preventing and reducing the school abandonment for children with special educational needs CESPeT_A8 - CESPeT_A9 - Activities aimed to reintegrate the children with special educational needs who abandoned school, according to the principle of chances, gender and continuing development equality CESPeT_A10 - Scholarships offered for children at school abandonment risk CESPeT_A11 - Elaborating a good practice guide for the beneficiaries of CESPeT and of other similary projects CESPeT_A12 - Imposing an amendment to the law 448/2006 CESPeT_A13 -
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